Balda Block Iron Ore Mines
To establish the Balda Block Iron Ore Mine as a highly productive operation.
We developed the mine into a 15 Mtpa operation, from 5 Mtpa, having its own state-of-the-art central processing unit, where the design, fabrication, erection and operation were executed through our solutions. The high moisture content of the iron posed undersize challenges for four months in a year, which we tackled by introducing various concepts.
On the engineering side, a 22 m retaining wall was constructed without the use of concrete. The Gabion wall was the first of its kind in the mining industry and was quicker to produce, cheaper and environment friendly.
For evacuation purposes, we constructed a merry-go-round road for the transport trucks going to the railways and another 7 km stretch of road going back to the mine, to control traffic, thus assisting safety and logistical concerns.
We established the high-capacity central ore processing unit fully equipped with advanced automation. The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) based automation system for the crushing plants is slated to innovate, requiring minimal human intervention. The intelligence is centralised and complete information regarding feedback, commands and process parameters of all processes in the plant can be monitored.
We are not only committed to promoting sustainability and development in our operation but also the environment. We have installed the DRY Fog Type Dust Suppression System as an environmental initiative. The plain water sprinkling system which is fixed in the hopper is operated manually whenever dumping takes place. In stark contrast, the Dry Fog Type Dust Suppression System works whenever the plant runs. The CPU is equipped with a dust extraction system (bag filter mechanism) for dust suppression purposes. It functions with a pulse jet mechanism at each ore transfer chute point and further collects the dust in the bag filters.
We have also achieved over 8-15% of screened 5-18 mm product recovery from the total ROM feed. Furthermore, the central screening plant has a capacity of 1500 TPH which significantly reduces the mobile plant operation and rated iron ore production of 15 Mtpa.
Due to our innovative, holistic approach to mining solutions, the Balda Block iron ore mine is now completely covered, with dust-free and noise-free environments thriving. It has decreased the multiple handling of material and also decreased the equipment deployment number which will reduce CO2 emission from equipment. In the Odisha iron ore operation, crusher and screen plants are well equipped with dry fog systems and conveyor belts are hooded with GI sheets for dust suppression purposes.
Further, the mines have installed an eco-vehicle wheel wash system at the exit gate of the mines for ore transport trucks. This system washes 120 vehicles per hour. Further, the mines have installed an eco-vehicle wheel wash system at the exit gates. It uses an infra-red sensor to reduce the standing time of the trucks on the wash, allowing them to pass quickly. After washing, the trucks pass through a series of rumble strips to shed off all the water on its body, helping to keep the vehicle dry and collect the maximum water for recycling. The recycling of water helps to retain near 90 – 95 % of water throughout the process having an oil and mud separation unit. Further, it helps in maintaining the dust free transportation of the vehicles on the main roads, diesel emissions.
The Serajuddin and Co Pvt Ltd mine in Odisha has studied the topography and counter of the mines and designed the surface runoff management based on the annual rainfall data. Accordingly, the rainwater harvesting structures are designed at low elevated areas for efficient collection of the mines’ runoff water. Based on the specified designs, different capacities of settling ponds are constructed to meet the surface of the mine runoff management. Therefore, project-specific, 360000 CUM capacity settling rainwater harvesting ponds are constructed inside the lease area for the collection of rainwater and groundwater recharging. The groundwater level is also monitored with the help of piezometers to ascertain the efficacy of the recharge measures. The technical study for rainwater harvesting has been carried out by top institutes like IIT, NIT, ISM, CIMFR etc.
At every stage of the operation, Thriveni reviews and understands the environment in which it operates. The systems help to identify and assess potential environmental impact in the early stages of project planning or acquisition and take appropriate steps to mitigate impact to land, water, air, flora or wildlife. All these measures made our 15 Mtpa Balda iron ore project, a scientific, sustainable success.