Khandband Iron Ore Mines
Odisha ( Kendujhar)
1.50 Mt
Iron Ore
Sree Metaliks
The lease area is a part of the Bonai Synclinorium and is characterised by hilly topography. Within the mine lease, there are three prominent relict mounds having R.L.s at 657 m, 677 m and 674 m in the north, west and south-west of the area respectively. The mining block lies at altitudes between 525 and 677 mR.L. and the iron content in the ore varies between 58% to 65% with the major type being the Lumpy Iron Ore Formation. The lease spread over an area of 35.774 Ha in the Baitarani Reserve Forest with an EC capacity of 1.5 Mtpa.
Earlier the mine was under the umbrella of Tata Steel Limited. It is currently owned by M/s Sree Metaliks Limited and the lease is valid up to 2067. The material produced in this mine is fully used in their plants as captive consumption.