Deojhar Iron Ore Mines
Odisha ( Kendujhar)
1.50 Mt
Iron Ore
Tharini Minerals Pvt Ltd

The mining lease area covering 34.365 Ha, is located in the village Deojhar situated in the Champua sub-division of Keonjhar district, Odisha. It covers part of the eastern limb of the famous Horse-shoe shaped iron ore belt of Odisha and Jharkhand. The lease area represents an undulating, rugged mountainous topography having a highest altitude of 675 m at the north-western part and lowest altitude of 525 m in the south-eastern part of the ML area. The difference in elevation is 150 m. The general gradient of the hill in the south-eastern part is 1 in 30 in contrast to the northern part which is 1 in 10 due east. The lease is owned by Tharini Minerals Pvt Ltd with an EC Capacity of 1.5 Mtpa.
The mining operation is general in nature, entailing: drilling, blasting, excavation, hauling, mineral processing through screen, crusher and washing plants, mineral stacking and mineral logistics. The mineral logistical operation is carried out through wagons from public railway sidings. The commodity is transported from the mine to the railways by local tippers.